For Escorts

As An Escort Should I Drink Just Enough During a Date

Should I Drink Just Enough During an AppointmentMany of us use alcohol to take the edge off. If you're meeting a new client or dealing with one who isn't great company, a few drinks can be the difference between a fun night and an awkward experience.However, most escort clients don't

Should I Drink Just Enough During an Appointment

Many of us use alcohol to take the edge off. If you're meeting a new client or dealing with one who isn't great company, a few drinks can be the difference between a fun night and an awkward experience.

However, most escort clients don't want you to get sloppy drunk any more than you want them to, and you definitely don't want to black out during an appointment. 

Punters / Clients will often drink during appointments, and may even bring bottles of wine or liquor as a gift. You don't need to refuse these gifts, but you shouldn't feel obligated to polish off a whole bottle either. Balancing safety with fun can be tricky, but it's not impossible.

How Drinking Can Help An Escort Experience

Alcohol makes people more sociable, which is helpful when meeting a client for the first time. It can make any situation less awkward and help get the conversation flowing. 

It also lowers inhibitions, making it easier to dance, talk, and have sex. Alcohol increases sexual desire in both men and women, which can help get you in the mood for sex with your client. Some clients are nervous or anxious, and alcohol can help them have a good time too. 

As simple as it sounds, drinking also gives you both something to do. It's an easy activity that makes your client feel like the interaction is natural if that's what they want. 

However, too much alcohol can be a bad thing. 

Drawbacks of Drinking

The obvious drawback of alcohol is that you can make unsafe choices like forgetting to use protection or contraception. You can also blackout, and not knowing what happened during an appointment can cause stress and anxiety.

Too much alcohol affects sexual function. It can make it more difficult for a woman to get wet and make orgasms difficult or impossible to achieve. Some men have trouble getting an erection when they're drunk, and some have difficulty achieving orgasm as well. 

Alcohol will dehydrate you, which contributes to lower sexual function and can cause headaches. 

Both your and your client's behaviour will change under the influence, and this isn't always for the better. Many people get more emotional when they drink. This can derail an appointment by causing intense emotional moments, crying, or even violence. 

Emotional vulnerability from alcohol isn't always a bad thing, but you should try to take it slow with new clients and judge the situation as best you can. Is this someone who's safe to get drunk with? Will being drunk with this client make things more fun? Will it make the situation uncomfortable?

Luckily, there are ways to drink on the job without causing any trouble. 

How Much Should You Drink?

The best way to drink during an appointment is to maintain a buzz without getting too drunk. This depends on your tolerance for alcohol and personal experiences, but a good rule of thumb is to limit yourself to one drink - two at most - per hour. 

It's important to drink as much water as alcohol so that you don't deal with the negative effects of dehydration. Having water while you drink can prevent hangovers and make it easier for you to perform sexually. 

Your client may insist that you drink more or keep pace with them. You should only do this if you feel absolutely comfortable with them. If you don't, it's okay to politely decline. Your client should always respect the boundaries you set when it comes to drinking. 

This isn't to say that you always need to limit yourself with alcohol. Each appointment is different, and you should be able to enjoy it as much as you can. That said, use your best judgment. 

You may need or want to drink before an appointment to loosen up, and that's okay too. One or two shots shouldn't send you over the edge, but you should be prepared for the possibility that they'll want to drink with you as soon as you show up. 

It's okay to ask your client beforehand if you'll be drinking together so you can determine whether or not you should have a drink first. If you know the client already, think about how previous appointments went. Will they want to drink with you immediately? Do they like to drink a lot or only a casual amount? 

It's uncomfortable to think about, but any interaction involving alcohol has the possibility of a drink being drugged. You should specify to your client that you don't want bottles opened before you get there. Some clients may take offence to this, so politely explain that it has nothing to do with them personally. 

If a client refuses to do this, or agrees to it but has drinks ready when you arrive, that's a red flag. As an Escort you need to make your standards clear and don't feel obligated to accept a drink out of good manners. Your safety is always more important than being polite. 

Not all clients drink alcohol. If they don't, and you want to drink, ask them how they feel about it before you show up. If they're a recovering alcoholic, for example, it might be difficult or uncomfortable for them if you're drinking during the appointment. 

Parting Thoughts

Alcohol is a drug we use all the time to make friends, open up, and enjoy the time we spend with others. You don't have to abstain from alcohol during an appointment, but you should take steps to ensure you make good decisions, stay hydrated, and stay safe. 

Drinking often makes your time with a client more enjoyable for both of you, but the situation changes from client to client. Know your limits and set boundaries, and you won't wake up the next day with regrets. 

By: Dainis Graveris
Dainis, is the editor of SexualAlpha.
SexualAlpha helps people improve their love life with the best sex toys & education.


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